Visible. Professional. Individual.

Our platform makes experts visibile. We support companies who want to find excellent interim professionals quickly and easily and to contact them directly.

Get project opportunities that match your expertise. Or let companies simply find you based on your experience and skills.

With the premium visibility on our marketplace you'll immediately reach the right clients.

Visibility x Contacts + Persuasive Power = Perfect Match

MYSOLITY setzt auf Active Sourcing, um Unternehmen ohne Umwege den direkten Zugang zu relevanten Key Players zu ermöglichen.

MYSOLITY relies on active sourcing to provide companies with direct access to relevant key players .



Personnel Consultancies

place interim professionals with their clients to bridge vacancies




secure important projects and plans with specially qualified interim managers



Business Consultancies

use external consultants to cover competency gaps and project peaks




compensate for lack of resources & know-how with interim experts



Interim Providers

are constantly looking for new top managers who have set up their own business as interim experts



Private Equities

need interim managers for restructuring and transformation

Premium Business Profile

Powerful, personal, accurate: A profile on MYSOLITY is quickly set up and free of frills. For an accurate, personal, and strong presentation in personal branding style.


Strong personalities should present themselves with a strong business profile


The perfect visibility in the market for a strong community




flexibly bridge vacancies




successfully manage projects




support bottlenecks with their expertise




“Finally a solution for Interim
Professionals like me. I’ve
looking for it for years!”


There is no better
platform on the market.“

“Wow, what you’ve done with my business profile is very impressive…”